Tuesday, May 17, 2011

confidence: the blue print to self-worth in an valueless world.

“Concern yourself not with what is right and what is wrong but with what is important.”

  • Know your values.
  • Keep your values at the center of your awareness. Know when you have an internal conflict between values.
  • Walk the talk. Try to make sure you have integration between your values and actions.
  • Learn how to give things up. Ask yourself, “What am I really willing to sacrifice?” If you want to start a new career, maybe you need to learn to let other things go. And if you do decide to give things up, do it without feeling bad about it or feeling guilty. It is a decision.
  • See yourself as a unique person who has many resources.
  • Use the words: “I choose to_______” instead of helpless phrases like “I can’t because_________” or “I am like this because of_________”. You have a choice. You decide the circumstances.
  • Listen to the voices in your head which give you a litany of excuses why you can’t do something. Those voices don’t want change. They want to keep the status quo. Evict them.
  • Be authentic and be assertive. If you don’t want to do something, say you don’t want to do it.
  • Don’t beat around the bush. If something is important, go for it.
  • Visualize and plan. Know what you want and plan for it.
Self esteem is like a bank account. When you live your values with integrity, you are making deposits into the bank of self esteem. We can be rich or poor. We are the ones who decide how many deposits we make.

(cred: tinybuddha.com)

1 comment:

  1. "Be authentic and be assertive. If you don’t want to do something, say you don’t want to do it." &
    "Don’t beat around the bush. If something is important, go for it." those two hit close to home for me; definitely what i'm changing inside.
