Les Bois park with my beautiful ladies, and handsome fellow.
vincent crunchin' his numbers..
vincent still calculating odds and percentages, he even brought his own scratch paper and calculator.
i was getting pretty tipsy, and feeling quite southern...
we even matched outfits :)
i won $seven eighty on a $two dollar bet!
my babes, i can never have a bad day when they're around..
cutest friends ever.
i get excited after 2 beers, 2 margaritas, and a bloody mary!
messican with sergio and sweet pea!
"uh, breanna, you have bean dip on your hat.."
frigging cutest siblings ever!
i love you, cheyb!
who's that cutie wearing a pillow?
"dude, seriously, let's play spin the bottle!"
"Steve's a name, cheyb."
"God damn it. I hate this game."
i love these girls, whenever we're together i feel blessed that i have them. <3